What is Bone? Explain the Classification of bone.

What is BONE? Bone is a rigid, highly vascular, dynamic, constantly changing, mineralized connective tissue. It gives characteristic form to the human body. It also gives support to human body. Classification Of Bones: Bones can be classified as following: Developmental Classification Structural Classification Regional Classification According to size and shape. Developmental Classification: This classification includes 3 types: Intramembranous: In this type the embryonic mesenchyme directly differentiate into bony tissues. It usually occurs in embryo. The characteristic of this type of bone formation is its rapidity of formation, e.g., Bones of the vault of the skull Bones of the face Clavicle. Intracartilagenous: In it, firstly cartilagenous model of bone is formed which later on transforms into bony tissues. For example, All long bones of the body except clavicle Short bone Irregular bones Membrano-cartilagenous: At the junction of vault and base of skull the bone...