Write a note on Joints. Explain the Classification of joints?

JOINTS: Joints are defined as, When two or more bones or cartilages come in contact with each other an articulation or joint is formed. The study of joints is known as Arthrology . Classification Of Joints: The joints are classified into following: Fibrous joints Cartilaginous Joints Synovial Joints 1. Fibrous Joints: They are fixed, immoveable joints. In Fibrous joints, the union is due to dense fibrous tissue and mainly limited to the skull. They are furthur divided into three major groups: Sutures Gombhosis Syndesmosis Sutures: These are the joints of skull bones. They are immoveable and fixed. These are the sites of active bone growth. There are following types of sutures: Serrate Sutures ( Saw-like, Sagittal sutures between two parietal bone) Denticulate Sutures ( Tooth-like, lambdoid suture between parietal and occipital bone) Squamous Sutures ( Overlap bones, Temporo-parietal suture ) Limbous Sutures ( Serrated or ridged, Temporo-parietal suture) Plane...