
Showing posts with the label Anatomical position

Explain the Terminologies of General Anatomy?

  GENERAL ANATOMY: General anatomy is defined as the consideration of various structures which make up the human body.    OR   " The study of   internal organs of body". SYSTEMATIC ANATOMY: It is the branch of anatomy which deals with the study of various structures systematically i.e., system wise. It is furthur classified as: Osteology ( Study of skeletal system ) Arthrology ( Study of articular system ) Myology ( Study of muscular system ) Neurology ( Study of nervous system ) Splanchnology ( Study of Viscera system like respiratory system, Digestive system). SURFACE ANATOMY: It deals with the study and identification of various structures in the living person by methods of inspection and palpation . It helps to enhance the knowledge acquired through dissection of Cadaver by either line of study. STATISTICAL ANATOMY: It deals with the facts and figures on variations in measurements, structure and relationship of different parts of human body. HOMOLO...