Write down the translatoric joint play movements. Explain normal grades of translatoric movement?

Translatoric Joint Play Movements:

The translatoric joint play movements used in the OMT Kaltenborn-Evjenth concept are Traction, Compression and gliding.


Traction ( separation ) is a linear translatoric joint play movement at a right angle to and away from the treatment plan. 


  • Compression ( approximation ) is a linear translatoric movement at a right angle to and toward the treatment plane.
  •  Compression presses the joint surfaces together. It is useful to differentiate between articular and extra-articular lesions.


  • Translatoric gliding is a joint play movement parallel to the treatment plane. 
  • Translatoric gliding is possible over a short distance in all joints because curved joint surfaces are not perfectly congurent.
  •  Grade 1 traction is always performed simultaneously with a translatoric gliding movement.

Normal Grades Of Translatoric Movement:

Normal grades of translatoric movement gives Pain-relief mobilization, Relaxation mobilization and then Stretch mobilization. There are three grades of Kaltenborn.

Grade-1:  (Loosening)

  • In it, extremely small traction force is applied which produces no appreciable increase in joint separation.
  • Grade-1 is used as a pain-relief mobilization.
Grade-2:  (Tightening)

  • In it, movement first take up the slack in the tissues surrounding the joint and then tightens the tissues.
  • In the slack zone, there is a little resistance to passive movement.
  • In the transition zone, there is more resistance to passive movement.
  • Grade-2 is used to check the sensitivity of joint and used as a relaxation mobilization.
Grade-3:  (Stretching)

  • In it, movement is applied after the slack has been taken up and all the tissues become taut.
  • At this point, a grade-3 stretching is applied over a sufficient period of time can safely stretch the tissues.
  • Grade-3 is used to test the joint-play end-feel.

Manual Grading Of Rotatoric Movement (0 to 6 scale):

These grades are used to check the little ROM of  joints like carpal joints. ROM may then be classified manually using the following scale:

0 = No movement (ankylosis)

1 = Considerable Hypomobile (decreased) movement

2 = Slight Hypomobile (decreased) movement

3 = Normal

4 = Slight Hypermobile ( increased) movement

5 = Considerable Hypermobile (increased) movement

6 = Complete Instability.

Maitland Grades:

Maitland's Grading based on Amplitude of movements. Maitland gives 5 grades. These are as follows:

Grade-1:  In the beginning, Small amplitude oscillatory movement is applied.

Grade-2:  In it, Large amplitude oscillatory movement is applied on spine in resistance free area.

Grade-3: In it, Large amplitude movement is applied in resisted area or up to the limit.

Grade-4: In it, Small amplitude movement applied in resisted area.

Grade-5: (Thrust manipulation) Small amplitude or high velocity thrust is applied in it.



Manual Mobilization of the joints Volume II( The spine) by Freddy M. Kaltenborn with Olaf Evjenth, Traudi Baldauf kaltenborn, Dennis Morgan and Eileen Vollowiz.


About Author:

Tayyba Saleem ( PT )

Doctor Of physical Therapy.


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