What is Clavicle Bone?Write down its features and Muscle attachments?


The clavicle is a long bone of upper limb. It supports the shoulder so that the arm can swing clearly away from the trunk.The clavicle transmits the weight of the limb to the sternum.The bone has the cylindrical parts called the Shaft, and two ends, lateral and medial.

Peculiarities of the clavicle:

1. It is the only bone that lies horizontally.

2. It is subcutaneous throughout.

3. It is the first bone to start ossifying.

4. It is the only long bone which ossifies in membrane.

5. There is no medullary cavity.

Features Of Clavicle:


The shaft is divided into lateral one-third and medial two-thirds.

  • The Lateral one-third of the shaft is flattened from above downwards. It has two borders Anterior and Posterior.The anterior border is concave forwards. The posterior border is convex backwards.It has an elevation called the conoid tubercle, and ridge called the trapezoid ridge.
  • The Medial two-thirds of the shaft is rounded and has four surfaces.The anterior surface is convex forwards.The posterior surface is smooth.The superior surface is rough in its medial part.The inferior surface has an oval impression at the medial end.

Lateral and Medial Ends:

  • The Lateral or acromial end is flattened from above downwards. It bears the facet that articulates with the acromion process of scapula to form the acromioclavicular joint.
  • The Medial or sternal end is quadrangular and articulates with the clavicular notch of the manubrium sterni to form the sternoclavicular joint.

Muscle Attachments:

1.At the Lateral end, the margin of articular surface for acromioclavicular joint gives attachment to joint capsule.

2.At the Medial end, the margin of the articular surface for the sternum gives attachment to:

a. Fibrous capsule of sternoclavicular joint all around.

b. Articular disc posterosuperiorly.

c. Interclavicular ligament superiorly.

3.Lateral one-Third of shaft:

a. The anterior border gives origin to deltoid..

b.The posterior border provides insertion to trapezius.

4.Medial two-thirds of the shaft:

a. Anterior surface gives attachments to pectoralis major.

b.Rough superior surface gives origin to clavicular head of Sternocleidomastoid.

c.The posterior surface close to the medial end gives origin to sternohyoid muscle.

Clinical Anatomy:

  • Bone Fracture: The most common site of fracture is the junction between the two curvatures of the bone , which is the weakest point.
  • The clavicle may b congenitally absent, or imperfectly developed in a disease called cleidocranial dysostosis (in this condition the shoulders droop,and can be approximated aanteriorly in front of chest).


BD Chaurasia's Human Anatomy ( Upper Limb ).
Chief Editor: Krishna Garg , Murdula Chandrupatia , Pragati Sheel Mittal.

About Author:
Dr. Tayyba Saleem( PT ).


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