What about Scapula Bone? Write down its features and Muscle attachments?


The Scapula is a thin bone placed on the posterolateral aspect of the thoracic cage.It has two surfaces, three borders , three angles and three processes. 

Features of Scapula:


  • The Costal Surface is concave and is directed medially and forwards.It is marked by three longitudinal ridges.The part of the bone is rod-like.It acts as a lever for the action of seratus anterior.
  • The Dorsal Surface gives attachment to the spine of scapula which divides the surface into Supraspinous and Infraspinous fossa.

  • The Superior border is thin and shorter.It presents the suprascapular notch.
  • The Lateral border is thick. It presents the infraglenoid tubercle.
  • The Medial border is thin.It extends from the superior angle to the inferior angle.

  • The Superior angle is covered by the trapezius.
  • The Inferior angle is covered by latissimus dorsi.
  • The Lateral or glenoid angle is broad and bears the glenoid cavity or fossa.

  • The spinous process is a triangular plate of bone with three borders and two surfaces.Its posterior border is called crest of the spine.
  • The Acromion process has two borders,medial and lateral; two surfaces superior and inferior.
  • The Coracoid process is directed forwards and slightly laterally. 

Muscle Attachments:
  • The Supraspinatus arises from the medial two-thirds of supraspinous fossa.
  • The Infraspinatus arises from the medial-two thirds of the infraspinous fossa.
  • The Deltoid arises from the lower border of the crest of spine and from the lateral border of acromion.
  • The Trapezius is inserted into the upper border of the crest of the spine.
  • The Serratus anterior is inserted along the medial border of the costal surface.
  • The long head of triceps brachi arises from the infraglenoid tubercle.
  • The Rhomboid minor is inserted into the medial border opposite the root of spine.
  • The Rhomboid major is inserted into the medial border between the root of spine and inferior angle.
  • The Teres major arises from lower one-third of the rough strip on dorsal aspect of lateral border.
  • The Teres minor arises by 2 slips from the upper two-thirds of the rough strip on the dorsal surface.
Clinical Anatomy:
  • Paralysis of serratus anterior causes Winging of scapula.The medial border of the bone becomes prominent and arm cannot be abducted beyond 90 degrees.

BD Chaurasia's Anatomy of Upper Limb.
Chief Editor:
Krishna Garg, Pragati Sheel Mittal, Mrudula Chandrupatla.

About Author:
Tayyba Saleem ( PT )
Doctor of Physical Therapy.


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