Write a note on the Stimulation of Muscle groups by Faradic Current?


Faradic Current is used to stimulate the muscles of a group work together is a satisfactory method of re-educating the action of muscles such as Quadriceps, small muscles of the foot, and the muscles of pelvic floor.


Quadriceps are the large muscles which are present in front side of the thigh.

Preparation: Prepare the apparatus and the patient . Position the patient on a plinth with the affected knee supported in the desired degree of flexion.

Method: One electrode and a pad is placed over the femoral nerve in the femoral triangle and either held in the position with a sandbag or bandaged on firmly. The other electrode pad is placed across the motor points and held in position by a strap or bandage. Use jaconet to protect clothes and bandage from moisture.

Application: Select a suitable frequency and duration of surge to gain a good contraction followed by a complete relaxation of the muscle. The patient should be encouraged to contract the muscle voluntarily as the current is applied. When the patient can achieve a voluntary contraction, discontinue the electrical stimulation.

Small Muscles Of The Foot:

Electrical stimulation by faradic current may be applied in baths because, water makes perfect contact with tissues. And prolonged soaking reduces the resistance of the skin.

Preparation:  Prepare the patient and apparatus. Position the patient in sitting on a plinth with the back well-supported and the feet on a stool which is covered with a plastic sheet. 

Lumbrical Muscles And Interossei:

Method: To stimulate the lumbrical muscles, place two electrodes across the bottom of the bath, one under the heel and other obliquely under the metatarsal head.

Select a suitable frequency and duration of surge to gain a good contraction followed by complete relaxation of the muscles. Encourage the patient to contract the muscle voluntarily with the current. Once the patient contract muscle voluntarily, discontinue the stimulation.

Abductor hallucis:

Place one electrode under the heel and stimulate the muscle through the motor point using a button electrode.

Muscles Of Pelvic Floor:

There are various methods of applying the current, but a good contraction of the muscles must be obtained by faradic current when a vaginal electrode is used. 

Male patients suffering from incontinence following prostatectomy may be treated by a method using a rectal electrode. 

Preparation: Prepare the apparatus and the patient. Position the patient in a side lying position with a pillow between the lower legs. Place a plastic sheet under the patient. 
Method:                                                                                                                                                  The indifferent electrode, with a large pad, is secured on the lumbosacral region. sterilized lumbrical jelly is rubbed onto the vaginal electrode  which is then inserted into the vagina . If no vaginal or rectal electrode is available, place a large button electrode on the urogenital region. 
Select a suitable duration and frequency of surge to gain a good contraction of muscle. The duration should b short.
Clayton's Electrotherapy 
( Angela Forster, Nigel palastanga )

About Author:
Tayyba Saleem ( PT )
Doctor Of Physical Therapy.


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