Explain Biopsychosocial model? Write down its clinical application.

 Health Care Models

  1. Bio-Psycho-Social model of health and disease
  2. The Integrated Model of health care
  3. The Public Health Care Model
1. Bio-Psycho-Social Model:
In 1977, George Engel theorised the importance of integrating the traditional biological aspects of medicine with the behavioural sciences. 
Engel's BPS model was based on three principles:

  •  Disease is a result of multiple factors that interact to make an individual feel ill. 
  •  An individual that is composed of a complex , integrated system composed of interacting subsystem elements of mind, body and spirit.
  •  Biological, Psychosocial, and social factors form a triad to interact and serve as determinants of disease.
He proposed that the biological, psychological and social systems work together to cause disease.
Biological System:  The biological system ensures a structural , biochemical and a molecular study of a disease.
Psychological System:  The psychological system provides insight into the role of personality, attitudes, attributes and motivation in the genesis of illness.
Social System:  The social system emphases the impact of family, society, social forces and culture on the aetiology, presentation and the management of a given illness.
  • The BPS model provides a comprehensive clinical approach towards the practice of holistic medicine.
  • This approach lays great emphasis on the Doctor-Patient relationship.
Clinical Application:
Researches shows that biomedical and behavioural factors come into play in infectious as well as non-infectious disorders.
Infectious Disorder:   
  • Biological Level: A pt. of Dengue fever is suffering at this level on account of breakdown of the body's reticuloendothelial system.
  • Social level: Social issues related to drainage of fresh water, poor disposal of waste.
  • Psychological factors: Such as risk taking behavior and inappropriate dressing in high risk settings are involved in spreading infectious diseases. 
Non-Infectious Disorders;
  • Non-Infectious disorders are also affected by biopsychosocial factors. This includes heart disease, diabetes mellitus, cancer and depression.
  • This is because of changes in hormones, immune factors, metabolism and neurotransmitters all are associated with socioeconomic stressors.
Clinical Scenario:
  • Hamid and Hassan were good friends. Hamid was parentless, While Hassan had a family.
  • They got admission in medical college. Hamid decided to stay in hostel.
  • Both decided to start smoking to achieve their concentration in studies.
  • Hamid soon developed a cough, Hassan's  parents found out and tell him the dangerous consequences of smoking.
  • Hassan gave up the smoking and started gym. He also tried to convince Hamid to join gym.
  • With a year, Hamid became addicted to stimulants. That's why, his physical and mental health become disturbed.
  • So, Hamid's studies are also disturbed while, Hassan went on to continue his medical studies enjoying good health.
The story of Hamid and Hassan illustrates an interplay of biological, social and psychological factors resulting outcomes between both friends. 
  • The story highlights how homeostatic behavior failed Hamid.
  • On the other hand, restorative and predictive allostatic behavior such as parental concern, joining a gym helped Hassan overcome a stress they both shared.
  • So, social support were in place for Hassan and not for Hamid.
Handbook Of Behavioral Sciences
Editors: Mowadat H Rana, Roop Z Rana, Mansoor Mustafa.
About Author:
Tayyba Saleem (PT )
 Doctor Of Physiotherapy 


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