Write a note on the Stimulation of Muscle groups by Faradic Current?

STIMULATION OF MUSCLE GROUPS Faradic Current is used to stimulate the muscles of a group work together is a satisfactory method of re-educating the action of muscles such as Quadriceps, small muscles of the foot, and the muscles of pelvic floor. Quadriceps: Quadriceps are the large muscles which are present in front side of the thigh. Preparation : Prepare the apparatus and the patient . Position the patient on a plinth with the affected knee supported in the desired degree of flexion. Method: One electrode and a pad is placed over the femoral nerve in the femoral triangle and either held in the position with a sandbag or bandaged on firmly. The other electrode pad is placed across the motor points and held in position by a strap or bandage. Use jaconet to protect clothes and bandage from moisture. Application: Select a suitable frequency and duration of surge to gain a good contraction followed by a complete relaxation of the muscle. The patient should be encouraged ...